Friday, October 20, 2017

Gun Control Groups Need a New Strategy

Isabelle Ross, an intern for Washington Monthly writes about a gun control legislation that is being introduce in House. The legislation targets the ban of bump stocks, which is a tool that modifies semi-automatic guns, to fire at the same pace as an automatic firearm. Ross argues that the Bump Stock legislation is not a big enough change, that will change the way gun control is regulated in the Unite States. She argues that extensive gun control laws will never be in place, unless gun-control groups rally together and find a "unifying strategy." She claims that in 2013, the NRA spent 62 times more money on lobbying, than the leading gun-control organization. 
Ross makes a good argument in her article. The NRA has amassed a mass of supporters when it comes to firearms, because they have associated guns with "freedom" and "protection." While gun-control groups fight on the political front, the NRA fights using the fact that people are so attached to the right to bear arms amendment. I personally think that if after the Sandy Hook shooting, there was no change in gun-control policies, I honestly do not think that there is going to be any changes soon. The U.S showed the world that it was okay with gun violence, when innocent children were killed, and gun-control remained the same.  

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I commented on  Zack Rodgers  post which discusses whether Trump should be impeached. I find your reasoning intriguing. I agree with your ...